Capacity building trainings

Capacity Building Trainings

1.1 Training on social and behavior change (SBC)

Description: The Ethiopian Health Education and Promotion Professionals Association
(EHEPA) has provided three rounds of comprehensive training on social and behavior
change (SBC) to enhance the participants’ knowledge and skills in designing,
implementing, and evaluating SBC interventions to address public health and non-health
problems in their respective organization.. The training was provided from October to
December 2023 in Sidama and Jimma, Ethiopia, targeting managers and program
officers from various government and non-governmental organizations working in
Sidam and South west regiones.

1.2 Training on Health education and Health Promotion

Description: The Ethiopian Health Education and Promotion Professionals Association
(EHEPA) has provided two rounds of training on Health education and Health promotion
for healthcare providers at EKA General Hospital from May to June 2024. This training
initiative aims to enhance the capacity of healthcare professionals by equipping them
with the knowledge and skills in Health Education and Promotion, ultimately leading to
improved health outcomes. The training helped health care providers to understand the
principles and concepts of social and behavior change (SBC), develop effective health
communication skills, address the behavioral factors that influence health outcomes to
effectively promote behavior change among their patients and implement SBC
strategies in their practice.

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