Poster Presentation

Feasibility, Acceptability, and Short-Term Impacts of HCD Embedded Community Dialogue Intervention in Promoting Demand for Immunization in Oromia Region, Ethiopia
Effects of psychological intervention on health related quality of life in patients with epilepsy at Mettu Karl Comprehensive Specialized and Bedelle General Hospitals, south west Ethiopia, 2021: A quasi-experimental study
Drivers of cervical cancer prevention and management in Sub Saharan Africa: A qualitative synthesis of mixed studies using Socio-ecological model.
Coping with Cervical Cancer: A Qualitative Exploration among Cervical Cancer Patients in Ethiopia
Barriers and Enablers of Routine Immunization in Amhara and South Ethiopia Regions: Lessons from HCD Guided Rapid Inquiry
Prototyping a behavior change intervention: a case example from the WATCH intervention aiming to promote physical activity and reduce sedentary behavior in office-based working adults
Physician’s attitude on telesurgery solutions in Northwest Ethiopia
COVID-19 pandemic response Risk Communication and Community Engagement lessons learned in Ethiopia, March 2023. Qualitative study
Barriers and Enablers in Mobile Phone Messaging Interventions in Ethiopia: Implication for Maternal and Newborn Health Practices
Social Cognitive Strategies to Enhance the Utilization of Malaria Prevention and Control Services by Vulnerable People in a District of Ethiopia
Explore the Practice and Barriers of Collaborative Health Policy and System Research Priority-Setting Exercise in Ethiopia
Web Fact Checkers DRC Bora Kaumba, United Nations Volunteer / UNICEF Young Champion
Engaging Communities through Religious Leaders: The contribution of religious leaders in promoting immunization in the hard-to-reach communities in Ethiopia
Factors Affecting Routine Immunization Uptake in 2 selected Districts of Rwanda: A Qualitative Study
Community Engagement through effective leadership contained the cholera outbreak in a rural district of Garda Marta, Gamo zone South Ethiopia Region
Achieving social equity by using a digital platform and behavioural science to empower and motivate underserved adolescents and young women (15-24 years) to utilise SRH services
Cognitive behavioral therapy for depression, internalized stigma, and adherence to treatment among people living with HIV/AIDS: a randomized control trial
A Multilevel Analysis of Modern Contraceptive Use Behavior among Young Married Women in Urban Settings of Ethiopia